Ooma Revealed

Mike Pierce, a techie, has started a new website where he dissects the Ooma service. Check out - http://ooma-revealed.info

Whether you just want to understand how Ooma works or if you are trying to evaluate whether you should switch over from your existing phone line system to a Ooma box, this site will give you lots of information

update: site has been taken due to threat of legal action by Ooma. Thanks Mike for the update.


Linda McGuirl said...

This service is remarkably similar to FWDout(tm). When I built it for Jeff Pulver, we were very aware of its limitations and wanted to test them in a "ham-radio meets the Internet" like way. The FWDout project reached its goals very quickly, but, we didnt have VCs to satisfy. Our friends at PhoneGnome leveraged this experience very well at a much lower price point. There's got to be more to the ooma service than a prepackaged FWDout or there are going to be some very disappointed investors.

Ed Guy

Anonymous said...

Hmm....very interesting!
I think Ooma's success would lie in its ability to market. Sales can become very low very fast.

Anonymous said...

The web site ooma-revealed.info was taken offline under threat of legal action by ooma, claiming that it contained many untruths and was slanderous. They would not detail what they thought was untrue or try to provide corrections.